Thursday, June 16, 2011

How eccentric are your work habits?

You may want to read this article to know that the secret to productivity and high creative process lies in the most insane and eccentric work habits.

Friedrich Schiller liked the smell of rotten apples that he kept under his table while composing poetry. These apples reminded him of his youth when he used to wander lovestruck in the orchards. These created an emotional connect and helped his words to flow much easily.

Victor Hugo, the reputed author of Les Miserables wrote naked after he gave all his clothes to the servant admonishing him not to return until he finished his writing.

Artist Maurice Sendak could find expression in his canvas only with the background of his favorite music composition.

Mystery Writer Agatha Christie could write evrywhere even in the bathtub.

The most creative writers survive on endless cups of tea, smoking and puffing while stretched on a couch. They can't think unless they are puffing and sipping. To some people music too has similar powerful and creative associations.

Most people would call these strange habits to be harmless eccentricity but only an artist or professional creative will probably identify with some of them. Bizarre working practices have proved to be the most powerful Element for many creative people.

So what are your little habits or props that keep you creatively high?


  1. Female Beauty, Internet, Magazines, Music, Love and Orgasms.

  2. :):) !!! Reading good posts like these

  3. The chains of little habits are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken..........beautiful

  4. I could relate to this article !! :)
    My eccentric habits: watching sitcoms marathon and Procrastination!

  5. great article.... reminds me to mention paul schrader too, who kept a loaded gun on his desk while writing the screenplay for 'Taxi Driver'....that ought to be the only way to write

    my writing habits? a combination of typing, sipping tetley, meditating and looking at old photographs
